ngeng..ngengg~ ngenggggg~ arghh, shut up already! day starts with the sound and smell of mosquito spray..oh wait, i woke up for subuh, but i go back to sleep bcoz i slept around 3.30 last, can u imagine waking up bcoz of the loud machine sound and the terrible smell of mosquito spray...i felt like 'aiyoo, why during this time maa.i need some more sleep laa~' as i pull my comforter and wrapped it around my body to shuhh shooohhh that smell and get back to sleep..
after 2 minutes..
arhh..lemas.lemas. and struggle to get rid of the comforter, and angrily head off to the bathroom to bath..
*oh this the hint that today will be a disaster?*
yes, i had a terrible day after that..y terrible? coz i personally think it's terrible la..what else! aiyoo..
8.30 : i went to the sc faculty to join the crowd
8.55 : went back to my faculty to attend the math lecture.
9.10 : just realized that there's a notice on the door telling that the math class is cancelled. *y didn't i noticed it earlier??!!!*
9.25 : get back to the crowd at sc faculty. (for the sake of the campus election)
*menjerit-jerit mcm org gile during a sunny day..VERY SUNNY DAY! ok*
11.00 : go back to my room. prepare to continue my beautiful sleep.
11.15 : couldn't sleep *pusing kiri*
11.30 : still could't sleep *pusing kanan*
11.45 : got a call telling to give 2 passport photos by that evening.
*ok. later on la..i need my sleep first*
12.15 : got a message telling the same 'photo' thing.
*ok2..dah tau..sambung golek2*
12.30 : got another call telling the same thing, but this time the limit time was before 2 pm.
*huh! what the heck? i dun think i have extra passport photos*
*selongkar2...cari2..tolonglah ade!........none!*
12.50 : went out to bangsar to take the instant photo *with a traffic congestion coz its lunch hour plus with a horrible not-ready face coz i was planning to just cuci my pictures from my cd, but end up, cannot..*
1.25 : went back to the faculty, have some problem with my friend's picture, go up and down, in and out the college, and went back to bangsar to cuci my friend's picture.
1.45 : gado2 with the bangla worker bcoz he's just plain s*****.
1.50 : go to the boss and gado2 with the boss somemore coz he's 'sama dengan je' with his bangla worker.except for he's the boss who made decisions.
1.55 : mission accomplished.he agreed.
2.20 : pay n went back to the campus. *see, it's waaaay past 2 already.*
2.30 : photos submitted.
2.45 : starving *tummy is currently playing a hard rock song*
2.50 : nasi n lauk da habis. *sigh*
3.00 : buy maggi cup from the kedai runcit. pray. eat. surf2 a little. then pengsan. zzz...
sgt penat.. terrible kan?? kan??? *angguk la cepat..haish*
hurm, when i was surfing the internet, and blog-hopping, i found a girl that i recognised from facebook. i opened her blog. read her profile introduction.
i mean..
giler perasan pompuan ni..sgt tak ley bla ok ayat2 dia..
ok, i'll give u a hint..
she's describing about her beauty and telling everybody that she's beautiful.
soooo perasan ok...
*when i showed the blog to my friend, she agreed too. so i'm totally normal*
for me, u don't need to tell everybody about your outer-beauty coz if you're beautiful enuff, people will notice that immediately.i repeat.IMMEDIATELY...there's no need for u to canang satu kampung n bgtau "hello everybody...saya cantik.noktah." ok, that's what we call 'perasan cantik'...
*seriously people..i don't have grudges against that girl. i'm just voicing out my opinion*
*senyum. sambil wat muke cumel* *dah2.xcomel langsung*
*n i'm not a reporter-wannabe* huhu
after that, i read a blog of a model which is cantik gilee.....gile pon tak mcm dia..n she's very cool n down-to-earth...n so many people visits her blog.. see, i've told u..people will noticed the beauty immediately without u telling them about it..
*beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..*
pesanan penaja: kepada encik gray yg telah membanjiri shoutbox saya dengan ayat2 jiwang, plishh stop...awak buat saya nmpk mcm heartbreaker terkemuka yg xde hati perut..padahal saya baik jer..(syok sendiri) *tapi baik tak ckp dia baik, kan?? ah, whatever..*
tolong ye.... sile luah perasaan anda di blog yg lain pula..sekian, terima kasih.
Bila pasangan korang tak berminat nak jaga kesihatan !
Alhamdulillah.. Jumaat sudah. Hari hari yang mendebarkan sudah aku lalui.
Sebelum ni aku asyik terfikir bagaimana nak uruskan si abang yang
bersekolah m...
1 day ago
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