This is not Rain the korean actor/singer.
It's the real rain..hehe *mcm la korang taktau*
ok, this morning, when i was walking out of my room towards my scooter, i saw the dark clouds..ok, it's going to rain but it wasn't raining yet. so i'm lazy to wear the rain coat..*lazy la..nak kena bukak seat, sarung raincoat yg gedabak plus not comfortable, not even fashionable.hakhak..gedik gila alasan*
suddenly, near desa petaling area, it started to i stopped at a nearby petrol station to put on my raincoat.
it was packed with motorcycles n motorcyclists *perlu ke mention dua2??ZzzZz*
and Ow-Em-Ji...I'm the only girl there..*mcm innocent je letak girl*
Although i was the only girl there, is there any reason to stare like i'm an alien? *perlu ke??*
NO..! of course. it's so normal nowadays for a girl to ride a bike, right?
But why they were acting like that? u know, staring with a disturbed face.
Did i stop at a wrong place where it's only for guys???
i don't think so. *xpuas hati pehal. aku langgar moto ko ke?*
They were staring like "perempuan bawak motor?? xde transport lain ke nak bawak?"
ok fine. takde. haha. kalau ade bas da lama aku bawak bas.
then, a guy talked to me :
pakcik(saje nak panggil pakcik walaupun muda) : pergi kerja naik motor ke?
hananeechan : eyh, tak..jalan kaki..motor ni saya sorong je, xnaik pon<----ni dlm hati je..aku xjwb pon sbnrnye. angguk2 je.
moral of the story : do not stare *secara berjamaah* to other people. it's not polite.
Bila pasangan korang tak berminat nak jaga kesihatan !
Alhamdulillah.. Jumaat sudah. Hari hari yang mendebarkan sudah aku lalui.
Sebelum ni aku asyik terfikir bagaimana nak uruskan si abang yang
bersekolah m...
1 day ago
5 OrG ConTeNg:
x ske org pndg kite mcm tu....huh.
hehehe... :P
mgkn dorg pndng ko sbb telatah ko agak klaka kot..haha
hana..ko kne msia la katakn..da tgk kte wt mende tu tp masih lg mau tnye kte wt pe?? bek xyah tnye..haha
he he he soh pakcik besa belikan kete
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