Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday?? naaah~

My mother was informed that she will be having a meeting in KB, Kelantan..So, my sister and i decided to menyibuk sama..My father did not allowed us to drive but he couldn't drive us there, bcoz he had meetings at a different place, so we bought 5 bus tickets for my mother, me, my sister, my bro n my friend (sorg je meeting, yg lain menyibuk)...the night before our departure, the news reported that KB is having a real heavy rain and floods at certain places..(oh no~) so, my mother decided not to go..(rugi je tiket RM150)

but unexpectedly, on the next day, my mother said that we're going. What make it worse that it was already 10AM and the ticket time is 10.30AM.. my mother said "u have 15 minutes,kalau tak, tinggal!!" Sh*T!! 15 bloody minutes..Mane sempat..Lom mandi, lom kemas beg. haven't decided what to wear, what to bring..arghhh~ but at last sempat jugak..well, after *sumbat baju ntah ape2 sume dlm beg* pkai jeans, tshirt ntah pape, sarung jaket, tudung..tada~ nasib la xpayah iron..make-up lg laa tak sempat.. bro je yg tanak g coz he hate rushing ok la kan....sempat naik bas.. =)

Masa smpai KB, it was raining heavily..and the hotel that we were staying is near the river..deM!
boley nmpk kot air naik dekat ngn hotel tu..n my mom said, "esok turun hotel naik sampan".. huhu..

But she guessed wrong..the next two days we spent our time in KB, it was sunny..tak banjir..besh gile jalan2 n shopping~ lalala~

pompuan bajet ayu posing with payung..
(bru je beli masa smpai KB sbb ujan lebat gilew~)

time shopping tudung..
tgk kucing ni..
sesuka suki je titow atas tudung nih~

Family karaoke..
xbesh sbb susah nk pilih CD walopun sound gempak~

ni masa nak beli tiket balik umah..
cube tgk cara dia menyampaikan maklumat..
haha..malas gile~

p/s: mamat2 kat kelate ni ensem2 r~ huhu..minah2 nye pon lawa~ btol! tak tipu~

ehem2.. ensem tak? haha~

Before we went home, we stayed at my cousin's house in Kubang Kerian..She's working at USM, n dia sewa umah kat area ctu..Actually she wanted to buy that lot, but the owner refused to sell. (dia tanak jual tanah kat org luar kelantan..huhu)

this is my cousin's son..dia baru darjah 1..
tapi dia ada minat yg extreme terhadap kenderaan..
ni dia tgh basuh kete mak dia..bersih gile babe~
siap basuh, pastu sabun, pastu bilas, then lap plak..kilat tuu~
then, my cousin cerita faris ni, masa memula pindah kat Kelantan, hari2 dia suh mak dia drive g airport.sbb nk tgk aeroplane..dpt tgk 1, then balik la..believe it or not, selama 6 bulan my cousin bwk dia g airport..huhu.. bile dlm kete, long journey, dia tak penah tido..dia akan berjaga je tgk kete..n dia kenal sume kete tau..tau nama sume..n dia slalu la tanye questions like, "ummi, nape ekzos kereta kat bwh, ekzos lori kat atas?" "nape kereta lain ade 1 ekzos, kete audi ade 2?" etc2...n agak penat la mak dia nk menjawab~

ni la anak2 my cousin..3 org dak kecik tu..yg besa tu bukan..
yg kakaknye lain plak cerita..selalu sgt tgk cite indon, tetiba dalam karangan BM, dia letak ayat, "Cantik bangat." my cousin punyala marah..n hantar dia g tusyen BM..haha~ padan muke~

yg si kecik tu plak lg best..panggil dia wani..ada satu hari tu, ayah dia pasang cite finding nemo kat laptop..dia tgk nemo tu dlm laut..pastu dia g dapur, amik air dalam gelas, n dia siram laptop ayah dia..uhuk2...dia ingat tu aquarium..n habis la file2 my cousin tu..speechless!

ni time melantak kat noodle station.
fried noodle hokkien style..shedap hingge menjilat jari kaki..huhu!

cantik tak air ni? nama dia "i love you"..sedap~

ok, sekian saja cuti-cuti Malaysia untuk kali ini~

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